Monday, July 23, 2012


It amazes me how much your interests change when you become a “senior” citizen. For instance, since I retired I love gardening. All my life I had what I called a “black” thumb. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get a thing to grow. It’s not that I didn’t try. Maybe I just didn’t have the patience when I was younger. I have all the time in the world now. My mother, father and paternal grandmother all loved to garden. Their gardens were absolutely gorgeous. My dad had all his veggies in containers. He always loved container gardening and he could grow anything. My mother is the flower person. The more colorful the better. If she still could she would fill the yard with flowers. My grandma did all kinds of gardening. She could grow anything from vegetables to flowers. She had the gift and we all enjoyed her treasures. I have a lot to learn though. I don’t know all the names of the flowers. I only know what I like to look at. I’ve learned though to use a lot of perennials. I’m not that good at digging so I only want to dig once. Not crazy about the weeding either. I’ve gotten in the habit of pulling weeds every time I walk outside to look at my treasures. I love looking at the flowers and shrubs. They are so beautiful. When you find something that puts a smile on your face, you want to keep it around.
Mom's Hydrangea's (she's 85 and still going strong) The blue is so intense and beautiful.
Along the walkway.
One of our rock gardens. We live in such a fast paced world. Computers seem to rule our lives. Not to say that is a bad thing but have you every just walked outside and looked at the beauty around you. We are here such a short time and Mother Nature is such a beautiful sight. My eyes are open to my surroundings and it is such a peaceful feeling. I know you’ve heard this before but you should take the time to smell the roses!

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